Norwegian CPS Continues to Destroy Families, Takes Indian Child

25 Dec 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Norwegian CPS Continues to Destroy Families, Takes Indian Child

The Norwegian government and their CPS (Barnevernet) have not reformed their ways as was hoped after the international embarrassment they suffered in the wake of snatching the five Bodnariu children.

Barnevernet is back on the international scene because they secretly removed Aryan, an Indian boy (mother Indian citizen) while he was in school for alledged slapping by the parents. Same tactic was used in the Bodnariu case. No warning, no court order, no social intervention or “help,” only the nuclear option. This is how Barnevernet operates.

Well, the parents are now crying out for international support and they have been featured on English-language CNN in India. Delight in Truth friend, attorney Suranya Aiyar was featured on the program with strong and passionate arguments against Barnevernet.

Looks like we are on the verge of another international scandal, and Norway and Barnevernet victims need it!  Maybe the shame will reach an unbearable level for Norway and it will stop violating family rights and due process.

Watch the CNN program at the link below

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