Today’s your birthday, Gabriela Mnerie

16 Oct 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Today’s your birthday, Gabriela Mnerie

Silent tears

      ( For Gabi Mnerie)


Your silent tears silent
I gathered in crystal cups.
You’re beautiful!
I wished to give him, to loved one,
mysterious elixir of endless longing.
“Love,” the flower of true life,
envelops you and seethes
and now in tender turmoil
when we are all sadder …
Breeze today is a balm
like in each spring
love tear has put its kiss
in the heart of that who kneels
daring to love as  does
years in a row,
kissing, without seeing, your footsteps,
his mind is full of love,
the love being you;
His “I”  is everywhere
as we feel it;
his eyes sad, sad for too much love,
wande in the middle of the night looking for you.
Only eternal God can rival
the great love of his life …



La Mulți și Fericiți Ani!

Mariana Gurza, Timișoara

Traducere – Dr. George ANCA, București

17 octombrie 2016

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