Ruth and Marius Bodnariu have been abusively separated from their children

28 May 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Ruth and Marius Bodnariu have been abusively separated from their children

Between May 30 and June 2, 2016, Marius and Ruth Bodnariu will show up before a local administrative commission which will decide if they will lose their rights to care for their own children or if the family will be reunited.

At the prior meeting in November last year the Norwegian children protection services (Barnevernet) wanted to be given time to “know” and “help” the family in order to supposedly reunite the parents with all their children.

This time Barnevernet is pursuing to take permanent care of the Bodnariu children, even though it still does not know the family, nor did it do anything to help in any way!

From the loss of rights to care for their biological children there’s only a small step to having the parental rights taken away permanently and place the children for adoption.

The Norwegian Barnevernet was obvious in its intention from the very beginning showing that it did not care about the Bodnariu family but rather pursued to destroy it, seeking to also destroy the relations between the parents and their children as well as between the children themselves.

* * *
We are grateful for all of you who continue to pray and fast for Marius, Ruth, and their children. We are hopeful that the Bodnariu family will be reunited as we approach the crucial hearing that will take place at the County Committee for Social Affairs (May 30th – June 2nd). We believe the Lord will continue His work and will perform a miracle!

A team of psychologists, assigned by the County Committee for Social Affairs for an independent evaluation of the Bodnariu case, recently initiated a reunion, of a few short hours, for Marius & Ruth with all of their 5 children in their family home. All seven in the Bodnariu family welcomed their family reunion, the first in their home since they were separated 6 months ago, and the entire event was filled with joy and sorrow simultaneously; each knowing that these few short hours were only temporary.

Marius & Ruth are holding strong for their family and we too continue alongside them! While baby Ezekiel is doing better now that he is at home, the remaining older 4 children fervently expressed their desperate desire to be returned home to their parents. The toll on the children of having been separated from their natural family is undeniable, very apparent in each of the Bodnariu children, and the children’s frustration is unavoidable. In turn, the Barnevernet impudently tries to spin the family’s time together, and children’s pleas for reunion, in such a way that all these tell-tale signs reflect negatively against the parents, Marius & Ruth.

Considering the short time remaining until the County Committee hearing, it is obvious that Barnevernet representatives are fighting desperately to gather – or rather, fabricate – any reasoning to defame the parents, Marius & Ruth; actions inherently working against the express interest of each of the children to return home to their natural family. In all this, Barnevernet undeniably demonstrates a blatant disregard pertaining to the superior interest expressed by the Bodnariu children and glaringly evidences Barnevernet’s unbridled diabolical intent of continuing in breaking up the Bodnariu family. Barnevernet has made the Bodnariu case a struggle for its own survival and seeks to destroy the Bodnariu family in this process as a sign to the world that Barnevernet alone dictates what is in the “superior interest of the child.” Barnevernet has clearly and unashamedly made known its intentions that it seeks to permanently remove all 5 of the Bodnariu children, including baby Levy Ezekiel, place each of them in separate foster homes, and only grant the parents, Marius & Ruth, limited visitation rights; a few hours per visit, four times a year.

As this seemingly unreal struggle intensifies, we earnestly request and encourage all of you to continue to supporting the Bodnariu family in prayer and fasting. We trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and believe that the County Committee deciding body will understand that there is no justification to not immediately and unconditionally reunite the Bodnariu family; a decision bringing this case to a happy ending and thus evidencing competence, objectivity, and clear mindedness on behalf of those in the County Committee.

This is the outcome we look forward to sharing with you in our next official statement; we don’t want to even think of the consequences and ramifications resulting from a different outcome…

Again, we thank you for your continued support and pray that God reward you with His blessings in this life and eternal life thereafter!

Pastor Cristian Ionescu, Spokesman

Coordinating team: Pastor Daniel Bodnariu, Steven Bonica, Peter Costea, Timotei Dinică, Pastor Cristian Ionescu, Vinicius Sabău, Dennis Stoia, Paul Susman, the extended Bodnariu family

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