Incriminating facts against sinister Barnevernet in Nan’s case

4 May 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Incriminating facts against sinister Barnevernet in Nan’s case

Here is more proof of how sinister Norwegian CPS and court system are in their kidnapping of children: The decision to remove the Nan children from their home back in January was not even signed by all three judges as required by law, in order to validate the removal and continue to keep the children in foster care, thus making the process entirely illegal. The court order was signed by only one of the three judges who stated to the Nan family that no matter what kind of evidence or proofs they present, they will not get their children back. Shame on Children’s Minister Solveig Horne and the country of Norway for allowing these kinds of abuses, crimes, really, to continue and thus destroy the lives of the Nan family and who knows how many other families.

May God intervene in this God forsaken government and destroyer of families!


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